John McAfee OFFICIAL nos habla:

 All Assets have been Deployed:

I've collected files on corruption in governments, politicians, fake news, “celebrities” and More. . . 

For the first time, I'm naming Names and Specifics:


I have Unlocked the Vault to the deadliest switch you can imagine 31+ terabytes of the most incriminating data will be released to the Public WorldWide. . .

All Keys have been provided in my Channel:

It is up to You to Look for the Truth:

What happens when people 

learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

What happens when We The People 

Have had Enough!!??

Conspiracy No More

If You thought Yesterday 

Was Bad Just wait

They will not be able to walk 

down the street. . .

Do You hear that?

The Calm Before the Storm:

Have Faith in Humanity

Have Faith in Yourself

Never Give Up

Who Wins in the End. . .?




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